Understanding Programs: Retail, Business, Fresh
Amazon divides retail data into programs based on how the product was sold.
By default Amazon only enables Amazon Retail for brands. If you sell in other programs and want access to the data, submit a ticket to Amazon requesting they enable Amazon Business and/or Amazon Fresh in Retail Analytics for you.
Amazon Retail
Products shipped to consumers from a fulfillment center. In both Vendor Central UI and the SP-API, this program actually contains all of a vendor’s sales, regardless of program. In other words, if you sell in both Retail and Business, the “Amazon Retail” program will contain sales for both Retail and Business.
If you sell in multiple programs and want to understand your true Retail sales, subtract the other programs from the “Amazon Retail” data.
Amazon Business
Products shipped to registered business customers.
Amazon Fresh
Products delivered to consumers from an Amazon Fresh store or other local retailer.
Which tables contain Program data?
All of the following tables should be filtered by program: