Defect report / Chargebacks: direct fulfillment
Defect report / Chargebacks: direct fulfillment

Defect report / Chargebacks: direct fulfillment

Vendor Central report path Reports > Direct Fulfillment
Table name Vendor: defect_report_direct_fulfillment

A defect report lists the chargebacks that Amazon has made to the vendor. A chargeback is a fee that Amazon places on a vendor that they see as not being in compliance with some sort of operational requirement.

Examples of chargebacks include: labeling, additional bagging Amazon might need to do, canceling PO's outside a stipulated time window. The defect report: direct fulfillment relates specifically to chargebacks for items directly fulfilled by a vendor on behalf of Amazon.


Updated: Snapshot

Backfill: 1 year

How to use: This report should be filtered by

  • Period (Daily, Weekly, Monthly)

Key Metrics

issue_type notes status has_performance_impact

Data Dictionary
