Paid Invoices

Paid Invoices

Vendor Central report path Payments > Remittance
Table name Vendor: payments_invoices

This report contains paid invoices the brand has sent to Amazon. In theory, the invoices and payments should line up at some point, although there is a lag between them for obvious reasons. Invoices will always come before payments.

Invoices may differ from payments. This is because Amazon may deduct things before they pay, such as promotions, chargebacks, and co-op agreements. As a result, an invoice for $1,000 may only result in a payment of $500 once everything is deducted.

Like Payments, this report is primarily useful to accounting teams.


Updated: Daily

Backfill: 1 year

You can search by:

  • Payment Date Range
  • Payment Number
  • Invoice Number
  • Payment Amount

Key Metrics

invoice_amount amount_in_payment_currency amount_paid remaining_amount

Data Dictionary
