CoOp Invoices
CoOp Invoices

CoOp Invoices

Vendor Central report path Payments > CoOp
Table name Vendor: payments_coop

A co-op agreement is any agreement where Amazon and the vendor are jointly funding some sort of expense, like with coupons or advertisements. This doesn't always mean Amazon is contributing money -- sometimes, like with a coupon, the value they bring is by providing the platform for it.

This report separates your invoices based on agreement title. Your total invoice will have a co-op component to it, and this report will break down each of the deductions under that co-op agreement. Line item details on deductions can be found specifically in these tables:


Updated: Daily

Backfill: 1 year

You can search by:

  • Invoice Date
  • Invoice ID
  • Agreement ID

Key Metrics

invoice_id original_balance

Data Dictionary
