Retail Analytics Traffic

Retail Analytics Traffic

Table Name: retail_analytics_traffic

The Retail Analytics Traffic table provides daily, weekly and monthly snapshots of valid traffic to your detail pages, when Retail is winning the buy box. Vendors use this report to monitor traffic to their products, calculate conversion rates, and understand the impact of advertising on total detail page traffic.

Amazon measures retail traffic in glance views. Every time someone visits your detail page, it counts as a glance view. For example, if a customer views or refreshes your detail page 10 times in a single day, it will count as 10 glance views.

Amazon tries to identify and remove invalid traffic originating from web scrapers and other bots. This may cause your traffic data to change over time as Amazon removes more invalid traffic or updates their algorithm.

Business questions & scenarios

What is this data useful for?

  • Traffic monitoring: How many times did people visit our product pages?
  • Conversion analysis: How well do our various product detail pages convert into sales?
  • Advertising incrementality: What is the relationship between advertising-driven traffic, and the total traffic to my detail pages?

Schema & update details

UI Report path
Amazon update frequency
Daily, with 48-72 hour latency. Learn more
Reason update frequency
Every 8 hours
Time Zone
Country local time zone
Granularity [?]
1 row per: - ASIN - Date - Period - Program - Distributor View

Historical data & change management

Time Period
History available from Amazon [?]
1095 days
6 weeks
36 months
Reason lookback period [?]
14 days
2 weeks
2 months

Data dictionary: fields in this table

Table & data nuances

  • Time periods may not match: All retail analytics tables are available at DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY granularity. There may be Amazon-driven discrepancies between different granularities that Amazon has not explained. For example, if you compare WEEKLY data to the sum of the seven DAILY periods in that week, the total glance views may not be an exact match. We recommend using the highest-granularity data you can, to minimize discrepancies and stakeholder questions.
  • Manufacturing only: This table ONLY contains data for the Manufacturing distributor view, because Amazon aggregates traffic by detail page regardless of which retail offer is winning the buy box.
  • Amazon wants you to connect a product catalog. This table contains data by date by ASIN, but does not provide any product attributes like category, size, or even product title to help you identify or aggregate products. Amazon expects you to connect this table to a catalog/dimension table that maps ASINs to attributes, such as the Product Catalog table or our custom catalog upload.

How to query this table

It’s important to filter this table by period to avoid duplication. This table also has programd and distributor_view, although there is no risk of duplication with these columns as for traffic data, they are always set to ‘Amazon Retail’ and ‘Manufacturing’ respectively.

  1. Adjust dates as needed. The example query below will provide ASIN-level traffic data for March and April 2024 at the daily grain.
    , date
    , period
    , program 
    , asin
    , glance_views 

   FROM retail_analytics_traffic
   where period = 'DAILY'
   and program = 'Amazon Retail'
   and distributor_view = 'Manufacturing'
   and date_trunc('day',date)::date between '2024-03-01' and '2024-04-30'

Example query output
