

Vendor Central report path Orders > Shipments
Table name Vendor: orders_shipments

This is the sister report to the confirmed purchase orders report. It's the report that tracks what happens once an item ships, such as how many cartons are being sent, what carriers it is being sent with, and any other relevant data.

The report covers shipments from the vendor to Amazon. It's only at a shipment level, so you won't get ASIN-level details with this report.

While this is a sister report to confirmed purchase orders, it's hard to bridge the two reports into one. For example, with the confirmed purchase report, if Amazon orders 1,000 units and the vendor accepts, but the purchase order covers four different SKUs and each are shipped separately, you'd have one PO table with four lines for the SKUs. With the shipment report, you'd have four different shipment orders because they all shipped separately.


Updated: Daily

Backfill: 90 days

You can search by:

  • PO number
  • ASN (Amazon Shipping Notification)
  • ARN (Amazon Reference Number)

Key Metrics

status date_or_detail alert ship_to

Data Dictionary
