Subscribe and Save ASIN Detail

Subscribe and Save ASIN Detail

Table name: subscribe_and_save_asin_detail

This report provides details on the performance of specific ASINs enrolled in Subscribe and Save. ASIN-level detail is provided for the amount of active subscriptions, the total revenue generated, and the revenue penetration.

How to match Amazon’s Subscribe & Save Dashboards

You cannot simply sum subscribe and save ASIN detail table and compare to Amazon’s dashboards. This is because the ASIN detail table captures historical pricing discount changes. In other words, if you change the value of the discount, Amazon treats that as a separate subscribe & save promotion and creates a new row of data, which can lead to duplication. This offers users (if desired) the ability to analyze how pricing discount changes can impact SNS product performance.

To match Amazon’s dashboards, use the following query to exclude historical changes.

select *


public.subscribe_and_save_detail_vc a,

(select _partneruuid, period, start_date, end_date, asin, max(_last_updated_on) as _last_updated_on



group by 1, 2, 3, 4,5 )b

where a._partneruuid = b._partneruuid

and a.period = b.period

and a. start_date =b.start_date

and a.end_date = b.end_date

and a.asin = b.asin

and a._last_updated_on = b._last_updated_on

Duplication Risk

The way Amazon structures data can appear to create duplicate records, unless you use the query above to filter by end date. Why do they do this? To capture historical pricing discount changes. This offers users (if desired) the ability to analyze how pricing discount changes can impact SNS product performance.


Updated: Weekly

Backfill: 1 year

How to use: This report should be filtered by:

  • period, marketplace_id, program_type

Key Metrics

  • subscriber average revenue
  • non-subscriber average mrevenue
  • total subscriptions revenue
  • revenue pentration

Data Dictionary
