This feature allows users of the Seller Profit Toolkit to upload cost of goods sold (COGS) data to their databases, and incorporate it into their data models.
COGS File Upload
The Seller Profit Toolkit Report Suite automatically imports your per-unit COGS data for use in profitability reporting. This data is sourced from a file that you prepare and upload.
- Go to your Reason Automation client portal ( and browse to Manage Your Data > Upload Data. You should see the following (please reach out to us to request this function be activated if you do not see it):
- Click on the down arrow to download a sample template (CSV format). The column headers should be: date, sku, COGS.
- Add your COGS data. You’ll want to have a COGS per unit value for every possible SKU-month combination in the data. You can use a SQL query to help you create a starter file if desired. Note that the file must contain only unique SKU-month combinations.
- Save the completed file as a CSV (not an XLSX), and click or drag to upload to the portal.
- Your COGS data will appear in your schema, in a table called seller_profit_cogs.
1) Dates in the CSV need to be in YYYY-MM-DD format, but Excel will reformat them as mm/dd/yyyy when you open the file. Before saving your file as CSV for upload, make sure the dates column is switched back to YYYY-MM-DD format (in Excel ‘Format’ dropdown, select Category > Date and then '2012-03-14'
2) Excel often adds a blank row at the end of a CSV file, even if you delete blank rows. If you get upload errors, check for the presence of a blank row at the bottom of the file using a text editor such as Notepad (note - we will be launching an update soon that will allow for blank rows at the end of a file to eliminate this issue).
3) If you have SKUs that are long numbers, Excel might turn these into scientific notation, causing an error when you go to upload because of duplicative SKU-date combinations. To set the right format, select the Excel Format dropdown (it will likely say ‘General’), select More Number formats > Custom > 0 (see image below).