Authorize Advertising API Access

Authorize Advertising API Access

This guide will walk you through the process of authorizing Reason Automation to access Amazon data on your behalf through the Advertising API.

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Please note: In order to authorize accounts for the Amazon Advertising API, your authorizing user must have the following permission:

  • Advertising: View & Edit Campaigns

This can be confirmed/enabled in the Advertising Console by going to Administration Administration > Account Access & Settings > Users > Access level > Edit

1. Log in to the Reason Automation client portal.

If you have not yet created an account, please follow these instructions:

Create a Reason Automation portal accountCreate a Reason Automation portal account

2. Connect your Amazon account.

In the portal, click on “Connect New Account” on the homepage or in the left navigation under “Manage Your Data.”

  • Please identify the account by giving it a name in the “Brand Name” field.
  • Choose Advertising from the “Account Type” dropdown.
  • Choose a marketplace (e.g. US). If you are connecting multiple marketplaces, you must authorize each marketplace one at a time.
  • Click “Continue.”
  • Please double-check the Brand Name, Account Type, and Marketplace, then click “Authorize.”
  • An Amazon login will open in a new window. To authorize Reason Automation, please log in as an administrator or a user with the following permission:
    • Advertising: View & Edit Campaigns
  • After logging in, you will be redirected back to Reason Automation’s portal to select an Advertising Profile. Select the profile you wish to authorize for this brand & marketplace. If you are setting up multiple profiles, you will repeat this process, as Amazon requires each profile to be set up individually.

Related pages:

Create a Reason Automation portal accountCreate a Reason Automation portal accountCreate an Advertising Console userCreate an Advertising Console user